his website is fruit of timeless inner and outer search. The author is proud of it. Since its conception, its purpose has been expression over statement. It is a very personal account.
Web-design is called upon to intertwine text, images, colours and sounds in a manner that
makes sense
is easy to use
is aesthetically pleasing
gets the designer's point across
Which element is the most important?
In order to successfuly combine so many forms of art, several compromises will be necessary. Is, then, web-design a higher or lower form of art? Whatever it is (and the author does not know the answer to this, or consider himself experienced enough to have formulated a competent opinion), nobody can deny it is one. The author feels content to have made his best effort towards elevating it.
ll texts, ditties, graphics, images created by and copyrighted to the author, except for:
Noriyuki Haga image ©2000 David Goldman (Gold & Goose)
FZR logo ©1991 Yamaha Motor Co.
Taki images ©1997 Namco
Ultravox logo & photos ©1983 Chrysalis Records Ltd.
"We are here" passage ©1975 Ursula K. Le Guin
several clipart images found on a hard disk in the corner of the office
This website was optimized for both Internet Explorer 5.x and Netscape Navigator 4.x in resolutions 800x600 and over, in their default font sizes. Verdana was widely used, Comic sans MS and Times New Roman less so.
ind acknowledgement is due to the following:
Pierre Gougelet for designing XnView
Mike Allard for designing Heather
The Physics dept. whose scanners, Photoshop PC and coffee machine were abused
ncidentally, this website is still personal. There 's not much of common interest here, let alone anything actually useful. Some Chinese recipes might be in order, thus, but not before the complete design is outdated - redundancy and obsolescence depress yours truly. Hence the removal of back buttons, counters and the alien guestbook. The practical aspect of the latter is that this website is now free of external references, so if it doesn't load fast or properly, the author is probably the best person to blame...