To: ........ 13 May 96 ....... (CP-0479-96)
From: Jose Maria Figueres,...... President of Costa Rica, ....... casapres@ xxxxxxxx

 Estimado señor Peter!

 Dice bien cuando señala que el principal tesoro de la Isla del Coco es su ecosistema, unico en el mundo. Costa Rica ha sido bendecida con una serie de ecosistemas y microclimas, los cuales tenernos la firme decisión de conservar y proteger, pare el disfrute de las actuales y futures generaciones. El modelo de desarroilo sostenible que hemos venido impulsando busca precisaménte una sociedad eficiente en lo económico, solidaria en lo social y responsable en lo ambiental, que permita un adecuado disfrute de bienestar a todos y cada uno delios costarricenses, logrado a través de una actitud solidana y en una adecuada relación del hombre con su medio ambiente.
Agradezco mucho sus esfuerzas y lo invito a seguir brindándole su apoyo al pais. Costa Rica necesita del esfuerzo y patriotismo de todos sus hijos pare lograr enfrentar con éxito los retos que los tiempos actuales nos imponen. Para nuestra Nación es motivo de orgullo recibir el turismo consciente y respetuoso de nuestra idiosincrasia y riqueza natural.
Su silenciosa labor contribuye en mucho a ese objetivo.
Al reiterarle mi sincero agradecimiento, hago propicia la oportunidad pare externarle las más sinceras muestras de mi consideracion y respeto.


 José Maria Figueres Olsen
Presidente de Costa Rica


To: ......... 29 Jan 96 ........ (oo78-96W)
From: Rodrigo Carazo Odio, ........... Ex-President of Costa Rica, .......... vilablan@ xxxxxxxxx

Estimado Peter:

 Mucho gracias por la instalacion en el INTERNET de una pagina dedicada a la Isla del Coco.
Me parece una magnifica idea, que no hay duda sera un gran aporte para la conservacion de nuestro gran tesoro "Isla del Coco".

 Con las muestras de mi agradecimiento y estima, quedo a sus gratas ordenes.

 Rodrigo Carazo Odio


To: ......... 15 June 96 ........From: BOB SPIERS , ........

 hi there....this is a great presentation on the going on the 11th of august and I cant wait !!!!..I have read your web page a number of times and found it very informative !!!.......thanks for posting it...Bob


To: ....... 08 March 96........From: Michael van Zijl,

 Interesting page and I envy you being able to pay a visit there. I spent two plus years in Costa Rica and loved every minute of it.
Tell me, have you ever heard of Peter Bergman. He was a Belgian who made many a trip to Cocos.
Michael will be there in 97, Pura Vida


To: ...... 10 March 96.........From: stef clarke , .......

...that is a great page! congratulations!!
I had the good fortune to stop there for a few days in 1994 on a yacht delivery from Panama to is an incredible place, still!
Despite serious high-tech efforts no one had yet made progress on finding the elusive treasure. I expect to return for another look....not necessarily for the treasure....but the remoteness and serenity....
It is a great inspiring place, indeed.
Regards, stef clarke


To: ..........Date: Fri, 22 Mar 1996..........From: Gordon Talge,>

 really enjoyed your Cocos Island web page I have been interested in Cocos Island since I saw the movie "Return to Treasure Island". It was made back in 1954 and it not very good. It stared Tab Hunter and Dawn Addams. It was about a modern day return to Treasure Island. In the movie they put Treasure Island in the Pacific (i.e.Cocos).
I had always thought of Treasure Island as in the Caribbean. So I started reading on Pirates and Treasures in the Pacific and that's when I came upon the story of Cocos Island. That was when I was about 10 or 12 years old. Iam now 40. It is amazing how things can stay with a person even after 30 years.


To: Booher, .....

 Capt.Booher planted the Oregon state flag here on April 5 1996.


To: ..... April 05, 1996

 I ve just returned from diving at Coco and feel privileged to have visited such an incredible place.I encourage everyone to write to the Costa Rican government and their national park service encouraging them to continue to rigorously protect their incredible treasure.


To: Poschman, ....... , .....April 28 th 1996

 I worked on a film at Cocos island in 1990. We sailed 110 foot sailboat with no refrigeration slept on deck in the warm rain and filmed turtles a whale shark and hammerheads.
The film is part of the Expedition Earth series which ran on ESPN. I am ready to return to Cocos to read the names on the rocks again and make another film. Hopefully does the Okeanus
Avenger still make dive trips there If not who ?

To: .... Coutas Roland,....

 To my dream!


To: ....... August 23, 1996.....Keith E. Andersen,

 Capt. Keith Andersen, with wife Debbie and two daughters Kelly and Taylor. Visited Cocos many times in 95-96. Capt. personally made 28 trips in a year and a half.
"Cocos is a mystical, magical place.....I feel very fortunate to have been able to spend so much time there.....especially with the wonderful people who live and work there!"


To: ...... August 30, 96....Ciro Oduber Muntanola, ...

 Cuando tenia 9 anos, escribi una novela que se representaba en esta isla del Pacifico. Aprendi todo lo que un nino sonador podia sobre este trozo de Paraiso....
Hoy con Internet puede decirlo a todos y agradecer al hombre que aun no la haya desgraciado para nuestros hijos.


To: ......... Sept. 03 , 1996.........Daniel Sheldrake, ........

 Web site gave me excitement about history of pirates in the past. Great "book" report as I would give A+ as it covers everything. Wondering if you ever been to Grand Cayman Island ? They have Pirates week which my friend and I will be there end of October. Keep up great work and already post on my hotlist.....


To: ...... Sept. 05 , 1996.....Ellen Luhrsen ,

 Such a wonderful place.. If I could but actually visit... I am in love with the Island already.


To:, ....... Sept. 23, 1996 .......J Benny Nanayakkara,

 Looks like a great Tropical Island, I come from Sri Lanka, did enjoy the tour. Hope to be in Costa Rica in mid October. Cocos Island ?


To: .......Sept 24, 1996 .......Wolfgang Schmidt, (Terry Smith)

 I have been to Costa Rica several times by sailboat from Vancouver, I have yet to set foot on Cocos or anchor at Chatham Bay. Maybe one day?


To: ........ 5 Oct 96 ........Jessica Bohner, .......

 Ryan Parnes,I love you!Hurry home soon.I miss you so.I haven't stopped thinking about you since you left.Have fun on the beach.
Wish I was there to hold hands and walk on the beach.Love your girlfriend Jessica OOXX from Sun Valley Idaho.


To: ..... 7 Oct 96........jeff prowell, ......

 stay unspoiled and a treasure to the earth


To: ..... 9 Oct. 96.......James W O'Connell , .... ALIENJWO@AOL.COM

For a pirate, Cocos and an X marks the spot. If it's treasure you're needing, it'll make you hot. Money, knowledge and power may not get you squat.
Could it be that the only way to the treasure, could be a pirates thought?


To: ......... 10 Oct 96 .........dennis maroney, ........

 I was there...diving from the okeanos aggressor in 1991. It was beautiful.


To:, ..... 01 Dec. 96 .....Ian Sutherland (Ocean Safari Productions) .....

 Dear Sir,
My small Company is planning a filming expedition sometime in 97 to Cocos Island. I enjoyed your Web Page and would appreciate any other information on Cocos that you may be willing to send my way.
The topside filming opportunity is what I'm mainly interested in, the underwater opportunities speak for themselves. I thank you in advance. Ian Sutherland Manitoba Canada.


To:,.... Sun, 8 Dec 1996 .....

 Richard Hodges & Doughter, Holly Ann (Pearl) Hodges, have been to the Island. And want to be on the Cyber list At Chatham Bay! thanks,


To:,.... Tues, 17 Dec 1996 .....

 James Baker A great visit to a beautiful place. 

To: ,.... Monday 23 Dec 1996 wrote:

 Herbert Salas...........Chino Salas was and will be here.!

 My name is Herbert Salas.I live in Costa Rica.I want to congratulate you on your page.It's just great.


To: ,.... Monday 13 January 1997

 Richard Weil ............Hello, been to C.R., but never Cocos. Perhaps someday will reach it at least thru amateur radio (it has the rare TI9 prefix).
Let's hope this beautiful island is preserved for the future!


To: ,.... Friday 17 January 1997

 Samuel Greinke...................In 1995, I served as a volunteer for the Costa Rican National Park Service and lived and worked on the island for two months. I believe that it is a place like none other and should be protected to every extent. My entry into the journal at the peak of Cerro Iglesias expresses my sentiments; "...who knows when I will reach such heights again. In the peaks and valleys of life an opportunity such as this, to live with and truly experience the beauty this island has to offer, may never pass again."


To:, ........ 06 February 1997 ..........

We sailed into Chatham Bay in November, 1986 aboard the sailboat WindChild. We spent several weeks in paradise and chiseled "windChild 1986" into one of the huge rocks near the waterfall. We took lots of pictures of the other rocks where the ships of the last centuries had left their marks. We spent Thanksgiving with a couple that were aboard a catamaran from Holland. It was the most beautiful place on earth - a remaining piece of Eden. Thanks for reminding us of a wonderful time.


To:, ........ 08 February 1997 ..........

Normann Marxer.........In all the Years I were in Costa Rica I was never able to visit the beautiful paradise of Cocos Island. What a shame 

To:, ........ 10 February 1997

John Raikkonen .........I was a small kid in Finland when I read aboutCocos island the first time and have been interested in it ever since. Thank you for all this fine info you provide. Some day perhaps I have the chance to visit this exciting "paradise" island for it's serenity and of course the lure of treasure........? Thanks, John Raikkonen

To:, ......... 11 March 1997

Felipe Carazo..........Coco's island is the place were all the elements of nature become one.


To:, .......... 21 March 1997

Joe Tate ............ First of all I want to thank you for the wonderful page and beautiful artwork.

 I visited the Island in 1977 when my boat was blown of course by a strong Tehuanepecer storm. I was sailing with six friends aboard the "Richmond" of the coast of Guatemala when we were violently blown south for four days. We were low on supplies, especially water.
Here we were in the most beautiful space on earth - it just felt like heaven or something alike .....


To:, .......... 29 April 1997

Jennifer .......I am heading to Cocos in three days and I can't wait to dive with the hammerheads!
You have a wonderfully informative page- it has made me even more excited for the trip.


To: ........... 09 May 1997 .......nepy97b@prodigy

Natalie Anne Bell ............ I have recently been assigned to do a project on the country of Costa Rica for my Spanish class. Althought the project is difficult, I am enjoying learning about the beautiful country and its grand treasure: Cocos Island. Even though there are mentions of buried treasure on the island, I believe that the real treasure is the island itself. Think of it!
A living paradise, just like the one in "Swiss Family Robinson," my most favorite movie (and book) in the whole entire world. To me, Cocos Island is more than just a beautiful land of waterfalls and lush tropical paradise. It is home to my most unimaginable dreams and fantasies of a world in which pollution, industry, merciless killing and other horrors of the twentieth century are only a nightmare, far from reality and from my life. Cocos Island-an escape from the real world.

To: .......... 12 May 1997

Christopher Pirie ..........I am costarican, fascinated by the idea of the 3 foot madonna that lies hidden in the island. Cocos Island: Latitude 5-32'57 North, Longitude 87-3'8 West.

And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
and the wheel's kick and the wind's song,
the white sails shaking, and a grey mist on the sea's face,
a grey dawn breaking.

To: ........... 15 May 1997

Bernd Wisniewski ............. Your Island must be one of THEEEEE most pleasing and comfortable Place I have ever known to exist in this ever faster spinning World! Its nice to know it still exist!!

To: ...........09 June 1997 .........Roobert

Bob McCrady............ Would love to see and explore Cocos Island,it would be a dream come true.

To: ...........25 June 1997

James Johnson ......... I helped engrave the name of my ship Bluenose II in February 1964 on Coco's Island.
We also opened a post office with a lifespan of one day. Have a cancelled letter with the 1936 stamp, plus some more recent (1964) stamps cancelled on the Island.
A beautiful place, I photographed underwater in Wafer Bay. An outstanding place.

To: ...........07 August 1997

mary sims .............. "Can't wait to go to the island"

To: ...........10 August 1997

John Raikkonen .............If anyone wishes to correspond with me about Cocos Island; I welcome any and all. Above is my correct e-mail addr.
Thanx...John Raikkonen

To: ......... 22 November 1997 ......

James Johnson.................... Spent one month on Coco's Island. Treasure hunt. Carved name
of ship at Chatham Bay. Ships name the Bluenose II. I must agree one of the
most beautiful places.
We opened a post office on the island for one day. I have cancelled stamps including one of the 1937
stamps. We made a film called Expedition Bluenose. I still have a copy, color and sound.
I filmed in both Bays. Do you know the name of the large squared rigged iron hulled ship in Wafer Bay?
I have a porthole from that ship. A delightful web site.
 James Johnson (Jim)


To: ......... 18 December 1997

Michael Wittman.................... On Dec.18,1995 my team and I landed on the beach at Chatham Bay to observe, catalog, photograph and collect specimens of sea life from the tidal pools and from under large rocks and boulders. Chitons, Snails, starfish and various other rock and crevice dwelling critters.
They are being used for research by the National Cancer Institute to look into the ways in which other species seem to not develope or have built in imunities to various cancers in hopes this can help us understand how this might help cancer researchers to find a cure for most if not all those cancers that aflict humans. After four hours of climbing over and under boulders the relenting rain began to let up a little and we could see our ride in the distant mist steamimg toward us .
This was a welcomed sight to the group as we were getting cold and very hungry and all we could think about was what our master chef was up to for dinner tonight. For the last few nights THE CHEF has created incredible meals each night and we knew tonight would be as good if not greater so we were ready!
Dripping wet and with our sachels loaded with specimens we headed for the meeting point with the zodiac as we walked along the beach we look upon the names and carvings of all those that ventured to this isolated place before us and wonder what hardships they experiened on their voyage here and beyond.
We will never forget our adventure on COCOS ISLAND.

To: ...........04 March 1998 .......

Debi Smith.............. My grandfather, James A.Forbes, was here hunting for treasure!

To: ......... 8 March 1998 ......

Sigve Losnegaard...

"Treasure hunters, hurry up and beware!
Find the treasures fast, or I'll be there.
I'll dive right in and get me some!
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum"

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