Carib Queen's Interesting and Helpful Links

Helpful Links

Currency exchange calculator

Reverse dictionary for those tongue tied days

Translating dictionaries

A simple html tutorial

Midi tutorials

Downloadable MIDI's

A collection of color names and codes references

Many colour names and codes
Complete and easy to read colour chart with hex codes
Very complete colour reference
Good 140 Color viewer with names and codes and advice on compatibility with different versions of browsers
Some color codes

This is where I collect page addresses that I'd like to visit again.

Famous Blacks who fought for the rights of the people

Reggae Dictionary

Funny island slang dictionary

Cool Rasta page with all kinds of links including folk tales

Herbal healing, and cultures, etc.

Interesting cultural-religious site!

Web's 1st most comprehensive index on herbs--Dr. Andrew Weil

Great folklore herb index and Gypsy culture page

Great herbal and Wiccan links and class topics

Great herb indexes--lore, crafts, etc.

Great botanical index

Morgana's interesting site on ancient prophecies, herbs, etc.

Seers--Coinneach Odhar

Very interesting site of the evolution of world religions


Sumerian Mythology & other fascinating stuff--Kabbalah

A very interesting page on race relations and Malcolm X quotes.

List of major world cults


Clinical update on cults

Higher Source

