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Coconut's in Ohio

Guam, Where America's Day Begins!
Why? Because it's the first part of U.S. Trust Territory to see the new day.
My names Del, my friends call me Coconut. I currently reside in the "Buckeye State". Hence the title of my page "Coconut's in Ohio". I was born on the Island of Guam. It's located in the North Pacific Ocean, a small Island measuring only 35 miles long and 8 miles wide. What it lacks in size is made up by it's beauty and culture. Below are a few typical pictures of what you'd see on the Island.
Agana Bay in the morning
Beautiful, isn't it!
Beautiful evening sunset!

Commonly referred to as Guamanians, the inhabitant's of the Island are known as "Chamorro", which is also the native language.

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Want to learn more about the Island and it's culture? Click on the monkey.
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