Dirt In My Eyes

Why do you hate so much
assert yourself child
forget the shame
the pain
pick a winner
lose the keeper
but somebody loves you

What's wrong little girl
are you dying inside?
don't worry you'll be accepted
look up the hill
alone and in heat
he's beckoning you
do you feel special
little girl?

Is that what it is about
lost in your own world
of self-hatred
did they love you little girl?
did they make you feel
like a princess.

Will it ever make sense
you fear so much
mostly yourself
little girl your mind
is your enemy
your thoughts are your poison.
Don't cry little girl
the one you love is out there
don't you see
can't you see?

The harsh bite of Jack Daniels
numbs you
but that's what you want
slip out of your skin
and watch
as your hollow body
takes over for the night.
Just as long as one of them picks you
right little girl?
Will you then go home
and secretly dream
of something better.

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© Nicole 1997-1998
Any attempts to replicate the above works will result in my lawyers whooping yer ass.