Driving In Thailand
Driving in Thailand

In order to curb the traffic congestion for commuters travelling in the morning, many roads in Bangkok turns it direction of traffic flow. A road on one side which may have 3 lanes becomes 2 lanes and the right most lane becomes available for on comming traffic. The timings for this lanes are marked on sign boards.

This system has turned very dangerous for commuters who are unfamiliar with the system. Accidents and deaths are very common to foreigners and those unfamiliar. Pedestrains are not spared either as if they try to cross such streets, they get confused as to which side the traffic is flowing. Most of these places with such a system have a pedestrian crossing and it is strongly adviced to use them.

Almost all traffic lights are controlled manualy in a booth specialy set up for the traffic police.

Driving through Bangkok's little sois (streets) can be very challenging if you are coming from a country where roads are very broad and well organized.

Bangkok has a network of elevated Highway which is also severly congested. Entrance to this elevated highway which runs in the city is B 30/- per entrance. Entrance to the elevated highway leading to the airport is B 20/- per entrance.

If you plan to get out of Bangkok during weekends, it is best that you leave your home not later than 6.00 a.m. Any delay would add hours to your journey.

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Information for Foreigners coming to Thailand for the purpose of Employment, Business and Residence.

This page last updated on 22nd March 1997.