Thailand Work Permit
Thailand Work Permit Application

Restrictions on working in Thailand

Related Application Forms

Form Tor Thor 2 (WP2) : Basic work permit applications for airlines.

Form Tor Thor 3 (WP3) : Application prior to alien's arrival in Thailand.

Form Tor Thor 7 (WP7) : Changes in Employment situation.

Form Tor Thor 10 (WP10) : Notification by employer of change in employee status.

Form Tor Thor 11 (WP11) : Work permit for urgent and essiential work, changing address or company address in work permit.

Supporting documents to be attached to Tor Thor (WP) 2,3,7 Forms.

Documents to be supplied by the individual.

  1. For non-permanent residents a valid passport containing a non-immigrant visa.

  2. Not required for application for Tor Thor (WP) 3.

  3. For permanent residents a valid passport, Residence Permit and Alien Book.

  4. Not required for application for Tor Thor (WP) 3.

  5. Evidence of educational qualifications obtained by the applicant and Letter of Recommendation from the former employer, describing in detail the applicant's past position, duty performance, place and length of employment. If the above is in a foreign language other than English, a Thai translation must be attached after being certified as correct by a Thai Embassy (if abroad), or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (If in Thailand).

  6. A recent Medical Certificate from a first-class licensed physician in Thailand stating that the applicant is not a person of unsound or habitual alcoholism. (Except Tor Thor (WP) 7 application).

  7. Three 5 x 6 cm full faced bareheaded black-and-white or colour photos, taken not more than six months prior to the application.

  8. If the application is to be filed by another person, a valid Power of Attorney in the prescribed form must be attached with a ten-baht duty stamp affixed.

  9. On the application form complete the "job description" entry with a detailed statement as to what job is expected to be performed, how it is related to other people, and what materials will be used in the work (use additional paper if necessary).

  10. If the job applied for is subject to a license under a particular law, in addition to the Alien Occupation Law, a photocopy of such license, e.g. teacher's license, physician's license, press card from the Public Relations Department, certificate of missionary status from the Office of Religious Affairs, etc shall be attached.

  11. If the applicant is married to a Thai National, the following originals and photocopies must be presented: marriage certificate, spouse's identity card, birth certificate(s) of children, household registration, as well as a photocopy of every page of the applicant's passport.

  12. If the job being applied for is not in Bangkok, file the application at the relevant provincial Employement Office, or in the absence of such office, at the Provincial City Hall.

  13. Additional evidence as requested. It may be necessary to translate any or all documents into Thai.

Documents to be supplied by the employer

  1. Organization Chart, to indicate positions and names of persons in charge. If these are aliens working in the company, state how many and include their Work Permit numbers. The Chart must show the position to be filled by the applicant, and must bear the seal of the firm and signature of the person authorized to authenticate same.

  2. Letter of Employment from the applicant's prospective employer written in the prescribed form.

  3. Certificate issued by the Commercial registration Department showing that the Origanization for which the applicant is going to work, has been duly registered as a juristic person, giving the name of the managing partner and/or director, and its objectives and capital.

  4. A copy of the list of shareholders of the applicant's prospective company, certified as correct by the Commercial Registration Department.

  5. If the business is owned by aliens, a copy of the Alien Business Registration, Certificate issued under National Executive Council Announcement No. 281, must be attached.

  6. If the company maintains a factory, a factory license and/or license to operate a factory, renewed by the Factory Department, Ministry of Industry, are to be attached.

  7. Map of the office or place of work.

  8. A photocopy of the Tax Certificate issued by the Revenue Department.

  9. Photocopies of the Work Permits of all aliens who work in the company.

  10. If the applicant is applying for a position previously held by a alien, a photocopy of predecessors Work Permit, together with their Notice of Resignation from the company, or a letter confirming when they will be leaving.

  11. The last annual finacial statement of the firm, and the two preceeding years if the former shows a loss.

  12. If the job applied for is with an import/export compay, the following are required:-

    1. Photocopies of Export Entries;
    2. Customs Department manifest of goods exported and Bank of Thailand Form.
    3. E.C. 61 together with a declaration of the total value of such exports and imports in Thai currency.

Note :
  1. Under the Thailand Immigration Act 1979, Aliens entering the Kingdom on a temporary basis to carry out an urgent and essential assignment within a maximum 15-day periad, shall be allowed to start the assignment only if Form Tor Thor (WP) 11 has been filed.

  2. A period of at least one month must be allowed for the Employment Department to consider each application.

  3. All the above documents are required and must be produced. If any are omitted, the application will not be accepted.

  4. Work includes preparation and submission of basic applications, preparing answers to questions posed by the Employment Department after the application has been filed, accompanying client to interviews at the Employment Department, etc.

  5. Out-of pocket expenses such as : transportation, translations, photocopies, government fees, duty stamps etc are also charged in addition to the fees.

  6. We do not guarantee the issuance of a work permit, nor successful renewals. Our fee is payable regardless of the outcome of the application process.

  7. Advance payment of the full fee plus Baht 2,500 deposit against expenses is required from applicants who are not our regular clients.

  8. In some cases we may find it necessary to increase fees for our services in particularly difficult applications. The client will be informed before additional charges are incurred.

Privileges of a Work Permit

Address of the Labour Department.

Back To Living in Thailand
Information for Foreigners coming to Thailand for the purpose of employmnet, business and residence. [Income tax, Import of Vehice, Holidays.]

This page last updated on 15th April 1997