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gold and diamond by Oswaldo Luiz

Travelling to Brasil!!!

Brazil, the flower of the Americas, the 10th largest economy in the globe, land of carnival, land of soccer and land of opportunities. Throughout centuries Brasil has been known as a land where racial, religious and social conflicts were almost inexistent, this tradition of tolerance explains why Brasil has such a rich and harmonious culture and that's why it is Latin America's major economy. Thus come and meet Brasil and the Brasilians....

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General Information

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Portuguese (Remember in Brasil no Spanish!!!! Albeit a number of well-educated people in major cities do understand Spanish, English and French)


Real (R$) US$1,00=R$1,01 (October 1st, 1996)

Major cities to visit


The opening gate to the Amazon. Marajó Island exquisite pottery and the awsome "pororoca"(the meeting of river waters with the Atlantic Ocean).


The nation's capital. Modern architecture, many monuments. People from all over the country. A must when visiting Brasil. A number of State-owned companies are located here.


One of the best cities to live in the world due to its high quality of life. Its public transportation system is amongst the best and most efficient in the world.


Land of the sun. It's always Summer in this lovely city, where one can eat the best lobsters and seafood in the entire country.It's Brasilians' newest touristic hot spot.


The growing and dynamic agroindustry is transforming this central city in a booming centre. Lots of cowboys and cowgirls in their lively and colorful festivals.


Amazon's heartland. Many exotic trips in the rain forests and a cruise down to the Negro River. And the famous opera house where Caruso, Carreras and others had already sung....

Porto Alegre:

Mercosul's capital, which makes its trade-point a most relevant one. Gaucho land, famous for its beautiful women and the world well-know latin "macho".

Rio de Janeiro:

Brasil's cultural and spiritual capital. It's a synthesis of all country. The most beautiful city in the world. If one cannot visit the other areas in the country, one must go at least to Rio...


The most African of all Brasilian cities, home of the most wild rhythms and of the exquisite "candomblé". A mystic place for all worshippers...

São Paulo:

A sophisticated metropolis, which is Latin America's major financial and business centre according to the $tati$tic$... Home of the best shops and restaurants in the country.

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touristic attractionBusiness Information

Brazilian economy along with the Chinese and Indian economies is by far one of the fastest growing and prosperous market in the world. Its main export items are manufactured goods, soy beans, weapons and ammunition, coffee and iron ore. Its main import items are chemicals, wheat, crude petroleum and finished consumer goods. Its major trade partners are: U.S.A., Argentina, Germany, Canada, Iraq and Chile. A number of important companies have been bringing in a lot of new investment, since Brazilian inflation was brought down under the current government. Thus if you have plans of making business in Brasil you'll find a very sophisticated market with a lot of opportunities that cannot be found elsewhere

Best sources of help and information on doing business in Brasil can be found at Brasilian local diplomatic representation in your own country and in Brasil you may refer to the American Chamber of Commerce and you can rely on professional work of consultants such as:

R&S Associados

Your business consultants in Brasil
We help you find the best suppliers, buyers and executives
We help you out with your credit inquiries
We provide support on your travel down to Brasil
Av. Prefeito Dulcídio Cardoso, 1100 Bl. II Ap. 2104
22620-311 Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Telephone: (011) 984-6666 ¤

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Leisure Information

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Due to its large territory and its varied environments, one may travel to Brasil in any time of the year. For it possesses all types of climates for all tastes. In the Northern part of Brasil it's Summer almost every year, but in Southern one may find more of a temperate climate with the four different seasons.

Brazilians are very easy to communicate with, and most of the times they will go out of their way to help out tourists. Men and women are extremely liberal and outgoing with foreigners, therefore tourists never forget a Brasilian romance of the past...

If you plan a trip to Brasil, check with your local travel agent, and make sure that you set up your mind on what to do, for the country is huge and has many different attractions, thus a good planning can assure that all your wishes will be fulfilled. In Brasil you can also count on travel agencies which gather to special groups such as: Senior citizens, Ecologic groups, GLS, students etc... to get more information send me a mail, for I can assure that your specific travel needs and interests will be met.

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