Wandering around in Baja - page 2

The skull of a medium-sized California Gray whale. 
Then of course there were the skeletons of Gray whales, porpoises, and sea lions. The skulls of the older male sea lions have a pronounced saggital crest, and look like something that belongs in a certain genre of film.

One of the photos below shows part of the jaw of a Gray whale that we found at Malarrimo beach. It was placed as shown on the XT500 for transport back to our camp, which was something of an exercise. Several people have gotten stuck in the sands of that beach, which means something on the order of "Bad Arrival."

Bad Arrivals and No Returns
And a bad arrival it can be for anyone foolish enough to take a vehicle onto the soft parts. Many vehicles have gotten stuck so badly in the terrain around Malarrimo that they never made it home again. We found the rusted-out carcass of what appeared to have been a Land Rover whose driver had foolishly gone below the high-water mark. Others have bogged down in the mud under the sand in the arroyo that is the usual approach to the beach. We've even gotten motorcycles, with aggressive knobby tires, stuck in the goop that hides around the lagoons and beaches. The wise traveler (in a truck, anyway) carries a 4-foot-lift jack and boards and knows how to use locally scrounged materials. The horseflies seem to know when you are in distress, and they will make your life miserable during vehicle recovery operations. 

     Since we mostly wandered around the coastlines it was perhaps appropriate that some of our philosophies, if it could be said that we really had any, might have come from books about similar travels. Sure, there was some Hemingway, with gunplay and alcohol, until we grew out of it. But messing about in boats and broken-down vehicles, and rooting about the lagoons and offshore sand spits? Now, that was pure Steinbeck. If you concentrate you can recall the smells of sea grass and tide pools and formalin and marine biology.
       In his only nonfiction book, The Log from the Sea of Cortez, Steinbeck wrote an introduction about a real-life character named Ed Ricketts, who became Doc in Steinbeck's fiction.  The following excerpt can still be found under magnets on our refrigerators, as a reminder about what really mattered:
We must remember three things.
Number one and first in importance, we must have as much fun as we can with what we have.

Number two, we must eat as well as we can, because if we don't, we won't have the health and strength to have as much fun as we might.

 Number three, and third and last in importance, we must keep the house reasonably in order, wash the dishes and such things. But we will not let the last interfere with the other two.


Sand dunes, Vizcaíno desert


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  Member, South American Explorers Club.

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 Copyright 1999, Gardensnake Publications. Rancagua, Chile and Black Forest, Colorado.