Hydraulic Research Station-The Future Prospectus

By Professor. Badwi Al-fadli Al-mounshid

Reference: p. 17, ElMouhandis,Vol. 2, No. 5, December 1996 (in Arabic)
Translated by Dr Yousif H. Ahmed

The estabilishment of the Hydraulic Research Station (HRS) at Wad-Maddani was first conceived in 1970, when The Sudan Governemnt applied to the UNDP-the UNESCO to fund the project. This was achieved in 1976 by establishing the HRS in a joint venture between the UNDP and the Ministry of Irrigation in Sudan.

The objective of the HRS is to carry out hydraulics researchs required for supporting the national economy, such as agriculture, irrigation and hyrdopower. In addition to rivers training, flood protection and the management of drinking water resources. Projects in these fields, of course, do not depend only on appropriate design stage, but also on optimization of operation and maintenance stages.

In the period 1976-1986, the HRS carried out several studies and researchs in several fields such as:

  1. Design, operation and maintenance of the hydraulic structures, irrigation canals and hydropower stations, in order to improve the means of water resources according to the need.
  2. Training of rivers and management of their banks to reduce the loss of the agricultural lands on the Nile & its tributaries.
  3. Flood control in order to protect residential areas from flood danger.
  4. Design of hydraulics works for different purposes.
  5. Balance of outflow in irrigation canals and hydraluic measurements to assure the minimization of water loss and efficent water distribution.
  6. Researchs to determine the water demand of the agricultural schemes during different stages of crops growth.
  7. Co-ordination with other research establishments to carry out joint researchs to derive practical solutions for different problems.
  8. Improvement and support of research fields in hydraulics engineering, in co-ordination with relevant research establishments, such as The National Research Council, Faculty of Engineering & Architecture-University of Khartoum and Gezira University, etc...). This has linked the design and operation stages of hydraulic structures .
  9. Developing and training of professionals in all relevant fields of agriculture and engineering .

Since 1986, the HRS has started a joint research programme with the Wollingford Research Centre in UK, which resulted in three major projects of which one is currently active. These projects are:

Since its establishment and to a very near past, the HRS has worked only in carrying out research for the Minstry of Irrigation & Water Resources, however, recent successful studies has been carried out for the benifit of other departments and companies such as:

  1. Kenana Sugar Company (the study of the irrigation pumps in Kenana Sugar Project).
  2. Petroleum Pipe-Lines Company (the study of morphological changes in Atbara River in the vicinity of the pipe line), and
  3. Government of Khartoum Region (the study of errosion on the Nile banks north of Khartoum).

The future plan of the HRS is to co-operate with all relevant departments and in particular those working in the field of water resources.

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