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last updated 29 May 97 - a new poem (contributed by a speciallady, thanks Jen ) - check out my poetry page :)

don't forget to - check out CU-SeeMe if you have a cam, it's terrific -
 and if you want to know where the best cu ref in the web is,
 email me,I'll tell you :)

Click on the links below to take you to whatever pages interest you - note, that most of the pages will have links in them for following - if a page does not have a link to bring you back here, just use the back button in your browser.

While you are here, check out my special peoples page - if you are someone who is now classified as a mate, then perhaps you'd like to send me your picture to be included with the others - I'd appreciate it.

Email me with any suggestions/critisms etc, (I've got broadshoulders, so I can take it *lol*) - and please return here to sign my visitors book!

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AustraliaAustralian Humour

Some photos taken on my trips


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Birds & AnimalsMy Page of Poetry(contributions welcome)

here it is, CU-SeeMe, since I found it, I haven't beenthe same :)White Pines Software Inc, or
Cornell University the creators of CU-SeeMe
there are plenty of pages full of information on CU, one of the best I've found isBill Woodland's CU-SeeMe Info Page
PowWow, a terrific live time chat program

Get PowWow!

If you haven't got powwow, may I suggest that you get it - its free and easy to use, why not visit powwow's site and check it out!

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