Ghosts and Ghouls

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Ghost & Ghoul Story Collection
Here is a collection of stories about Singapore's ghosts & ghouls. Pick any one from the table to read, be your own judge as to how true these stories might be...but never read them when you're alone in the dark...*evil laugh*

  1. Tarot Gift
  2. Death Touch
  3. Changing Eyes
  4. Someone's watching you
  5. Passenger from Hell

Disclaimer: The stories posted here are extracts from both local publications and personal experiences. Credit is given and mentioned at the title of each story, unless confidenciality is requested by the involved parties. Symptoms, such as shivering and paranomia are not the responsiblity of the webmaster, but on the person who was dumb enough to read through the whole collection in one shot on a lonely dark night!!! *L*