Sandy Cove Quilting Group
Every Thursday the Sandy Cove Quilters Group meet in the Digby Neck Consolidated School to work on their interesting groups. The group was organized by Judith Morehouse a summer resident of Sandy Cove. Currently all the members are "summer people" who stay on Digby Neck every summer, but one of Mrs. Morehouse's aim is to bring local residents into the group too. 

Last year the group made a very beautiful and slightly out of the ordinary quilt, containing a variety of different styles in patches.

Here are some samples from patches from last year's quilt.
Quilting Patch Quilting Patch
Quilting Patch Quilting Patch
Click on the picture below to view the entire quilt.
Last year's quilt.
If you are interested in joining the group or just dropping in to see the quilts, you can call (902) 834-2959 from Monday to Friday, 9:30 am to 8:00 pm or just e-mail us.

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Digby Neck Community Development Association © 1997