Two Boys: Gheorgie and Scrump "MEET THE TREET BEEST!!!!"

Word up and peace out Jonsins SUCK CRANK!!!

The boys Gheorgie and Scrump were a couple a two Jonsins. 
 They were pimps, hardcore, they was mackin and pimpin and hittin it wit
da chicks.  Then they met the TREET BEEST.  It had a monkey face.  It 
lived in Cuba and ate the wet cake.  Somtimes it ate Fidel when he felt 
like it.  But that weren't no good for a coupla Jonsins.  So they went to 
T-RAY and you know what they saw?!?!?!  BECKY!!!!  Blowin on T-RAY!!!!  
Word up!  T-Ray in the house.  T-RAY was wearin some pimp-daddy gold 
pantyhose because even though T-RAY's a Jonsin he gets it from Becky and 
so he's a pussy now!!!!  Now T-Ray's gang has a shitload of rival gangs.
Noone likes TRAY anymore.  There's Kats and Rodriguezes, Alahondro 
Rodriguez.  Now TRAY got tape in his locker and a buncha dirt, and know 
what?!?!  It was da RODRIGUEZ'S!!!  They dump dirt on his stuff, and on his
pimp daddy gold BOOTS!  That's BOOUTS from bear.  Bear in the mutha effin 
house.   Now TRAY got the treet beest and he was hittin it wid da treet 
beest and by and by the Kats come along and the put TRAY'S head on a stick.

Now it on a stick, and there's only LEROY AND COCOA Jonsin left, cuz no one
likes da Jonsins.  Not even Cady, and he's the only Johanssen. 
Now Gheorgie and Scrump got da beat down and now they're all BLOODY!!  



BLLLLOOOOOODDDD!!!!!! !*******  -peace out, Nad.