Internet Link Exchange
Member of the cookie-sending Internet Link Exchange

We rated with RSACi! SafeSurf
RSAC and SafeSurf both give web sites the opportunity to rate themselves in respect of the content of the site. If a site might not be suitable for particular audiences, PICS tags in the web page can give browsers the chance to refuse access to inappropriate pages. Unfortunately, many browsers do not support this function, while only a tiny minority of sites are yet rated. If you have a site, why not visit either or both of these fine establishments and rate your sites.

Web Prestige
Web Prestige promotes the thought that you must be responsible for you own graphics. Many web users have to pay for all access of their material, so that if you have a high traffic site but link to somebody else's graphics, you could be stealing from them. If thousands of people link to a site, the cost of serving graphics could run to hundreds or thousands of dollars. So save copies of graphics you use in your own web space. Web Prestige explains in more detail what this is all about. I am proud to be a member of Web Prestige, promoting "Think before you link".

Free speech is a vitally important privilege, shared by many people worldwide but denied to many others. The possibility of draconian censorship laws on the internet, framed by hysterical politicians who have never seen the web is a frightening possibility. The Blue Ribbon Campaign campaigns for free speech on the web: new legislation in many countries may make things illegal online which are quite acceptable in libraries or daily newspapers and this is surely ridiculous.

Anglicans Online!
I proudly proclaim myself a Christian, as I hope is evident elsewhere on this site. My denominational affiliation is to the Anglican Church. I am a licensed Lay Reader in my local parish, as well as being the People's Warden. This site is the best Anglican resource I have found online, and one of the best Christian resources overall. Surprisingly, it was her that I found out about the next site...

NZ Anglicans
The Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia is the organisation of which my own parish is a part. I am a member of the Diocesan Synod, and was pleased to see that my church has published a web site. It is a small site at present, but I expect it to grow into one of the major resources of the New Zealand church in time.

For a long time, I have been interested in Mersenne prime numbers. These fascinating numbers form the majority of the largest prime numbers known to humanity. A massive internet project to find more of them is in progress now. Almost two thousand number theorists are using ordinary personal computers to search for more Mersenne primes. You don't need a degree to join in.

Save the adverb
One of the greatest disasters is coming silently. The adverb is slipping quickly from common usage. You can help by actively using adverbs in your everyday conversation. The demise of the adverb is described eloquently in these pages.

Expose yourself!
An enthusiastic GeoCities homesteader has given the opportunity for all members of GeoRewards to showcase their banners at his site. As with most schemes like it, he is keen for you to provide a link back to his site, and this I am pleased to do.

The flags on the front page of my site used to be larger than they are now, so that they loaded much more slowly than they now do. This ingenious software furnished by Raspberry Hill enables GIF files to be shrunk while retaining their original look. This means that I use less disk space, while you use less bandwidth and time downloading them. It seems to be a very promising site.

Media Accountability
When 39 people take their own lives, it is a very serious matter. Maybe it is more serious when the media of the world conspires against the internet. Because these people had some contact with the web did not mean that everybody who logs on will kill themselves. Nor does it say anything about pornography. Maybe what we really need is media accountability. This site contains some thoughts in this area, but some of its humour is rather black in nature.
Hmmm. Last time I checked, this site had ceased to be. Not even a DNS name entry to show for it. Maybe they'll be back, maybe not. The other guys, well, probably not. Let's leave this link up just in case.

FREE Email!
iName is a service offering you an email address for life. this means that it you change service providers, you can keep the same email address. However, I think an equally important feature of this service is that you don't need to admit who your REAL service provider is, if it might cause you embarrassment. For example, you might be able to avoid people laughing at you behind your back if your address is or or worse.

Open Pages
I didn't quite qualify for this webring of diarists and online journal writers. This is a pity. If I flew more at the moment, I would be able to write about more flights and could expand my diary thoughts. However, those who do write regularly are worth reading. When you have finished with this ring, please remember to come back to me!

This new and enterprising link site is attempting to cover most of GeoCities. Let's see how they get on. My site and my wife's site both scored a 6. I don't think that's too bad, but it does suggest he's looking for a very high standard indeed for his best sites.
And then it closed down, suddenly and without warning. This sort of thing happens all the time, doesn't it?

Toastmasters International is an organisation dedicated to the art of public speaking. I have just been elected President of my local group. Toastmasters is aimed at those who need help to stand up in front of a group. A manual of speeches in the "Communication and Leadership" series forms the main teaching to new members, along with impromtu speeches and annual reading and speaking competitions. If you are interested, join a group near you.

Radio Rhema is a national Christian radio station in New Zealand. Christian radio is an unusual thing in the Commonwealth, although it is common in North America. New Zealand was the first Commonwealth country to have Christian radio, in the form of Radio Rhema. Rhema now broadcasts from about twenty twenty locations in the country and can be received by a large majority of the country's population. As a financial member of Radio Rhema, I express my support for the work of this radio station, which broadcasts Christian tecahing and music, as well as national and international news.

Aardvark is a daily net newspaper produced by New Zealand writer Bruce Simpson. Each day, Bruce chooses about five international and two local New Zealand stories and pulls them together on his often controversial pages. On Monday, a weekly edition is published. New pages appear about 7am New Zealand time, which is 1900GMT.

No frames
This isn't a link, just a statement. How many webmasters use frames simply because they know how and want to show that they know how? Frames do, I grudgingly admit, have their uses, but I really don't want to see them everywhere. Worse still, flashing lights, animated GIFs that look like disco lights and (of course) MIDI sound files.

One of the stranger daily awards offered on the WWW is that for Geek Site of the Day. Quite what makes a site a geek site is something that I can't quite decide. However, GSOTD is the only daily award I follow, and I'm rarely disappointed. I've nominated a few sites for it, but hope never to win it myself. I recall a strange debate at work when we tried to sort out the difference between a geek and a nerd.

WebRing is an ingenious idea from another visionary without any money. You've probably seen ring sites around the web. If you are a surfer, you'll benefit from following links to sites on related themes. If you're a webmaster, you can apply to add your sites to appropriate rings. If you're a dreamer with lots of time on your hands, you can be a rinmaster, and run your own ring, like I do. Why not look at the GeoTropics Ring and information about the sites contained in it?

The core of PlanetAll is an automatically updating address book. When you join PlanetAll, you establish "links" with other members you know. PlanetAll also reminds you of birthdays and other events. It will let you know when your travel plans intersect with those of your friends, and let you create and administer your own groups. PlanetAll's networking tool, "Friends of Friends," let's you find friends' friends in companies or cities that you are visiting.
If you do decide to join, please let them know that you were referred by Ian Halliday, which is me!

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