Magun's Compass
Learn from the Travel Experiences of Others

Lagos by day....
Is not as bad as all the stories make out.

African Mask


You are in a strange city, so you could feel a little intimidated, but those from Ghana feel it too.

Africans are larger than than Asians, and it takes a little more courage to act confidently; and it is an act, easy enough to assimilate.

Body language gives away a lot, so the first rule is to look as though you know where you are, and where you are going.

Of course, better still is to carry nothing of value, then naturally you have nothing to fear.

Big cities attract all types, and the theatre of life is there to be enjoyed.

Many a Nigerian male is coquettish in appearance; long flowing cloth is constantly checked, and re-positioned with a fling across the shoulder.

These are the confident cocks.

The tropical heat
gives the foreigner in heavy jeans a constant drop of perspiration on the brow

After a walk along Broad Street, some tranquillity may be needed. The beggars, hoping for small change, are drained of energy by the blazing sun, lack of wind, and high humidity.

Such conditions would lead to an increase in suicide attempts in the so called developed countries.

Here a sort of life continues.

The beggars sit near the market in their helpless little group; five or six of them all hungry together.

Even to outstretch a hand is something of an effort, a pathetic attempt to attract compassion.


Another African Mask


Leaving Nigeria
is almost as bad as the arrival.

On the road border into Niger, the car is held up while the foreigner's bag and documents are thoroughly checked over for the smallest discrepancy.

The driver is smuggling cheap petrol and has already given his dash; the other passengers also pay a little to move on quicker.

But not the foreigner.

All visas are in order, there are no illegal substances in the bag, and there is no great hurry.

The driver and
passengers become impatient.

Africa Index


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