Emma's review of India

7/6/97 India

Dear Dave and Mandy,

We arrived in india 29th April 1997. It was 25dC, 4.25am GMT + 4.5 hours. The 3 of us made our way in a taxi to a hotel in South Bombay, near the GateWay of India. We were tired, Martin booked his train ticket to Delhi, to meet his cousin and various other people & we all spent most of the day in bed, going out to the GateWay after dinner. It's smart at night as it's all lit up and there's lots of street traders out till all hours. I loved India even before we arrived. I knew it'd be everything I expected. Unfortunately Ian had to spend 5 days in bed ill, but I got out & about in Bombay, to the GPO, picking up letters from my mum + brother, and my dad. I also went to The Prince of Wales museum & got to see some excellent carvings & all types of Indian art. The most interesting thing was the people, the women in saris and the jewellery they wear. The buildings in Bombay are so great with domes and great architecture. We both had a good look about Bombay. We also got the election results from our TV - WELL DONE TONY BLAIR!

From Bombay we got a 31 hour train to Madras, which was an experience I tell you! An open-plan sleeping carriage, no privacy, no showers, hot & sweaty. 2 nites no change of clothes. YUK! We expected a food carriage like in Africa but we quickly cottoned on when we saw that everyone had bought a picnic and 20 litres of water! So we invested in a few packets of crisps and biscuits.

From Madras we went on a bus straight to Mahabalipuram which is apparently famous for its shore temple and cows. Me & Ian hired out some bikes and toured the village and old ruins. The area was beautiful, next to the sea, miles of sandy beach & warm sea canals & coconut palms. We relaxed here 5 days & went back to Madras to get a train to Bangalore where we had 2 nights in an expensive shirt & tie hotel, had a suite, sofa, balcony, TV, satellite TV, room service, you name it! We went to the Technology museum, obviously not up to date, it was full of kids pressing lots of buttons and no one reading the info which goes with the exhibitions. The aquarium was just as good featuring Guppies and Goldfish!

Next stop Mospet - a little dusty town which lies near to the Vijayanagar ruins at Tlampi. We spent a whole day trying to see these ruins which are spread over a vast rocky unshaded area, it's very hot out here. We enjoyed looking at the temple, Bazars and Balancing rocks.

Next stop Tlubli, where we stayed for 5 days for no particular reason except to rest. I'd been sick for 1 day and in the heat and all I decided I couldn't face a 5 hour bus journey without a rest.

We finally made it to Panaji - the capital of Goa where we explored the Portugese chapels and basically got a feel for Goa.

Our next stop was Vagator, which sadly is full of hippies on motorbikes and littered beaches which could be beautiful. We stayed for a week, for my 20th because we met some great people - Ernie and Tarik, Dem and Bruce, the last 2 we went up the coast to Arambol with for 2 days. 2 Yamaha 100cc's between us, which I very quickly cheers mostly to my brother and also to Ian learnt to ride. So before he knew it, Ian was pillion, but that didn't last for 5 minutes cause sadly I nearly killed us! Not my fault they drive like headless chickens.

Arambol was a picture of paradise - white sand, fresh water spring, only 1 beach cafe, discreatly in the corner. It was great. We then went back to Vagator for 2 days and made our way back to Bombay from just north of Goa - Sawadicradi on the NEW Konkan railway.

In our second trip to Bombay I picked up 3 parcels from my mum. Thanks for the gherkins mum - and Jelly! We went to the World Trade Centre, had a wonder and went to see the Dhobi Ghatts.

So that's been part of our Indian, or my Indian experience. This is my trip so far. I will also have more to write about funny things, etc. but it's difficult to sit down and plan how to write it all. As you've probably guessed, I'm struggling with Africa still! Next country from me will be Australia - I will hopefully be flying out at the end of this month - beginning of next.

Love Emma.

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