Postcard from Egypt

Mon 16/12


How's it going? Things here are going great, seemed to have travelled over most 
of Egypt in the last two 1/2 weeks - hot, cold, sandy, smelly & excellent (looking 
forward to Jordan though). I am now sitting in a bus station (well that's what 
they call it) in Dakhla Oasis - Yes, a real oasis in the middle of the desert. We 
planned (yes Ian and I are still travelling together & getting on spookilly well) 
to be here one day & stayed 3. Went to see the place over the other day [postcard 
picture of LUXOR-KARNAK: Relief of Ramses II with the sacred boat] to see (some 
more) stones. More L8r Murton.

PS Will write www intro this week.

Thanks Murton for leaving me so much room to say hello to Parp!


Can you see the sea yet?

I've got no hair.

BTW: Don't hold your breath on the www intro!


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