What should a college person eat?
Can one really survive on take-out and ramen noodles?
Well I have observed much in my MANY years in college, and I am here to present:
The Unofficial College Student Diet
There are five food groups:
Group one: The Sugar Group
This group is usually found in vending machine candy bars and pops (or as the rest of the world sodas) It can be found in the breakfast cereals, when we can afford them.
Group two: The Salt Group
This group is most notably found in McDonald's food, Ramen Noodles, and potato chips.
Group three: The Fat Group (also know as the Grease Group)
This is the group that is found in the largest quantities of the college diet. fast food, pizza, snack foods, etc.,
Group four: The Caffeine Group
This group is taken in from Pops(sodas)especially Jolt Cola, coffee, and in pills like vivarin.
Group five: The Alcohol Group
*This group is officially only for people of age 21 or older!
This group is usually found in liquid form but has been know to be found in the form of Jello shots. Despite this, beer and hard liquor are the two primary sources.