coming to you from

"Where America's Day Begins"

I'm originally from Kentucky and moved to Guam in August of 1990. Before coming to Guam I received my Bachelor's Degree in Music and my Master's Degree in Guidance and Counseling from Morehead State University. Currently I am an elementary guidance counselor for the Guam Department of Education

Guam is a small island located in the Pacific Ocean, 212 sq. miles with a population of app. 150,000. The warm weather here suits me just fine since I'm a tennis fanatic and play tournaments regularly. People from all over the world live here which makes it very multicultural. To give you some idea of how far it is from the mainland U.S., it takes app. 13 hours by plane from Los Angeles to get here.

Click here to find out More About Guam
Try The Official Guam USA Homepage for lots of info on Guam.

Below you can click on some pictures to see parts of my little island home. But first.....


  • tennis
  • *tennis links*

  • Jungle Java Cafe
  • *coffee links*

  • fiestas
  • the beach
  • the internet
  • packages from home (hint, hint)
  • Pics of Guam:

    The beach at Tumon
    A Latte Stone
    Two Lover's Point
    Talafofo Falls
    Tumon Bay

    And finally, no page of mine would be complete without a picture of my Mom and Dad. Without them I wouldn't be here, actually I wouldn't be anywhere.

    You can reach me by e-mail at: