... Main . About Me . Photos . Shoutouts . Quotes . Links . Guestbook ...

      "The Circle" of Friends- Mah peeps @ School(LCC=Leeward Community College bka Last Chance College :P hehehe)
      dOhdEp - My E-mail Penpal!!!
      G-NaTiOn - DiGgEtY Representing SaN DaYgO!!!

      G-sTyLeS- He Be A SwEeTiE from Vancouver, B.C.!!!
      GengGeng- The guy who's a day older than me... :)
      SuSi Ng PiLiPiNaS- Filipino Club @ Leeward Community College

      Page Me On ICQ

GiVe Me SoMeThInG 2 SmiLe AbOuT

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created by dOhdEp © 1996
revised by brwneyes © 1996
updated: May 19, 1998