A look at the "Bahamian Lobster".

A Drawing of a Spiney /Bahamian Lobster.

The Spiney Lobster

The Spiney Lobster is also known as the Caribbean Spiney Lobster, Florida Lobster, or Rock Lobster. They are well sought by scuba hunters. Spiney lobsters do not have pincers so their only defence are long antenna like feelers to warn of predators and rows of spines on its carapace (tail). Lobsters walk forward but swim backwards very fast to escape danger. They are found in relatively shallow water (less than 50 feet) in the rocks and reefs. They hide by day and feed at night, sometimes traveling several miles to find their food.

A Canadian Look at Lobsters

Another Canadian Innovation, Recycled empty lobster tails become sleigh runners in the winter months. This of course can only be done with the larger Canadian lobsters.

Canadian Lobster in its native environment.

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