Don Law's three commandments for email
We pause here for a word from our sponsor ...
1) Thou shalt NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER forward ANY email
that says, "forward this to everyone you know."
There is a 99.9% chance that it is a hoax. You will get emails warning
you abovt viruses, about poor little children that need your help, about
scams that you need to watch out for, about the government infringing on
your rights, and about how you can make quick money. All of this email
is carefully crafted to take advantage of you and accomplish one thing:
to get you to forward the email to other people. Do NOT forward
any email like this!
There are several useful websites that allow you to very quickly
see if an email is a hoax. You should visit these and just take
a quick read to make yourself less vulnerable to this junk that wastes
so much time and bandwidth.
2) Thou shalt get thyself a lifelong email address
These are available for free. There are several companies out there
that will issue you an email address. Whenever any mail is sent to that
address, it is immediately forwarded to the email address of your choice.
Normally you will forward it to the ISP (Internet Service Provider, like AOL)
mail service that you use. When you switch ISPs, as we all do from time to
time, you simply forward your lifelong email address to your new address and
you are done. You don't have to tell anyone that you have changed
your email address.
There are several of these available. I use myself. is
another good one.
3) Thou shalt guard thy email address, protecting
it from spammers
Nothing is worse than spam, which is junk email from somoone you don't
know trying to sell you something you don't want. Spammers are constantly
combing the Internet in search of your email address. If you ever get on
one of these databases, you are stuck there forever. It is hard to avoid
this, but you can try by never entering your email address in any
web site - i.e. don't give your email address away to anyone other than
your friends.
You will find some web sites that require you to register, which requires
an email address. What I do in this case is create a seperate email
address for myself that I use just for this purpose. You can create
a second email address using Yahoo mail or one of many other different
free web email systems.
I hope these tips lead you to an enjoyable email experience!