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Many people ask me the question, What do you think is going to happen? I am not really qualified to give a great answer to that question. I have focused my attention to the electric power issue because I think that it is so important. You can read my detailed answer to the power question in my paper.
However, since so many people ask me, I'll tell you what I think:
Here is my take on Y2K in a nutshell: If you have not read anything about it and have not researched the problem, then it will be worse than you think.
If you have read the popular Y2K books or have been reading a lot about it on the internet, or if you are stockpiling food and water, then it will not be as bad as you think.
In my opinion, it's going to be like a digital El Niño. In some way, it will impact all of our lives. In a few areas it will be devastating. It will have an impact on the economy. Some people will go nuts thinking it is the end of life as we know it (TEOLAWKI). Others will profit greatly from the fear of TEOLAWKI. And of course, if you've read the rest of my website, you know that we will have electric power.
I am very concerned about the fear of Y2k. I think the fear factor may be worse than Y2K itself. For example, there could be a fear-induced run on the banks even if all the banks were Y2K compliant.
Please don't miss the Steve Hewitt website. My take on Y2K is very similar to his take, although I think the impact on the economy may be worse than what he predicts.
Let me restate that I am no economist, sociologist, or general expert. When I'm not talking about power distribution, take what I say lightly. There are plenty of other sources of information that you should check out that are more qualified that I am.