Capn' Jackster's Liveaboard Notes

Marina Photo

This WEB site will attempt to demonstrate the pros and cons of living aboard a vessel, be it sail or power. I personally have lived in just about every kind of dwelling imaginable. All were somewhat nice, fully functional (as far as dwellings go) and accommodating. However, none gave me the independence, fun and sense of well-being as living aboard. I will try to convey how it feels to live aboard and pass on some pointers on how anyone with determination, the right frame of mind, and a little knowledge can join in this exciting lifestyle.


Where do we go from here?

I'll try to guide you through this adventure by answering some of the questions that I'm asked most often. As there is no such thing as a "dumb" question, I will assume little or no boating or liveaboard experience on the part of the reader. That being said, some of you "old salts" might pick up a few tips or ideas along with a chuckle or two as well...

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What's it like to liveaboard

What kind of boat do I want

How do I procure a boat

Where will I put my boat

How do I maintain a boat


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  This web site is a compilation of notes, articles, and references that the author has experienced, written, and gathered during the many years of his liveaboard lifestyle and is primarily intended for his own personal use. This site is not officially sanctioned, sponsored, or approved by any of the boating safety organizations or agencies referenced herein. The opinions and information expressed on the pages of this web site are for entertainment and general information only. The author and publisher of this internet web site does not warrant that information found herein is accurate and up-to-date, and accepts no responsibility for accidents, injury, or death resulting from the use, misuse, interpretation, or misinterpretation of any information found herein. Site visitors are encouraged to consult competent authorities before using any information contained on these pages.  

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Some Sites Worth Visiting:

Commander Bob's Boating Safety Handbook

Houseboating World

United States COAST GUARD

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email at:
If you like what you see, or if you don't...
Write me at Capn'  Jackster
Update Info

This Page
Last Updated on 8/14/00
"I'm writing just as fast as I can!"

Layout, Design & Revisions © 2000 Capn' Jackster Productions