Welcome! Yes, Virginia,
this is NotTheNews

If you are a regular reader of NotTheNews, you may notice that this looks a little different than usual. Since GeoCities has informed me that the space I can get for free (gratis amiga!) has reached it's saturation point I have had to make some adjustments. I don't want to stop ranting just yet, what with the page at over 11,000 hits this must mean that someone is enjoying the site I have been working on for 10-plus years! Wow.

AND - this is new - there is that Google Ad thing running on the TOP of your screen. This is my attempt to generate some revenue for the continuance of the Casual Restaurant Critic's forays into Mérida's culinary offerings; if you click on an ad, there is supposed to be some sort of remuneration for yours truly. I have no idea how it works OR if indeed it does, but let's try it anyway, shall we?

While I learn HTML or wait for some really easy drag and drop web software, I will be posting my observations on a Blog. Yes, I know, another Blog. Anyway. I have tried GeoCities, but it's a seriously aesthetically challenged Blog. Uh-Glee.The LiveJournal is also rather aesthetically challenged in my neurotic opinion. I like black and white, so the simplicity of Blogspot appealed to me. Of course, you, dear regular readers - all 15 of you - can write and let me know what you think.

NotTheNews ElMaloso Blog

you're supposed to think this is a button and click it

This is where the fun continues. Rants on politicians, services and even an encounter with Gumby can be found here in the true tradition of neurotic NotTheNews comments on life in Merida through the eyes of a - there it is again - neurotic foreigner. Locals will be either tickled pink or once again threatening me with expulsion. Put it in your favorites or bookmark it or whatever you do and check back regularly.

The Casual Restaurant Critic

The Critic will continue to contribute to NotTheNews, although I can not say with what frequency. As explained recently to one Bonnie reader, time constraints, as well as mundane things like work and diminishing discretionary income impede the Critic from sallying forth (Monty Python) as often as he would like. Plus, no pants will fit the bloated Critic anymore! Part of the job I suppose.

The button above will take you to the hopefully continuously updated list of fine (and less than fine) dining and lunching options in Merida.

The Original GeoCities Home Page

The original home of NotTheNews hasn't been vacated yet! (and probably won't be for some time still) This is where you will find links to the Back Issues, the Dictionary, Photos and more all of which still reside at GeoCities.

Feel free to continue to write, comment, explain, deride or whatever your little heart desires, either directly on the blog or at the email address you have come to know and love (click on the hippo)!

this is the CasualRestaurantCritic