Welcome to KulManSam.com!

Jambo, Marhaba, Hola, Namaste, Shalom...

My name is still remains (2008) Samir. Khamis. Amour. Al-Busaidy. (long name huh??), many call me Sammy, my nick name on line is Kulmansam.

I come from a little Island called Unguja in the Zanzibar archipelago found on the coast of Tanzania in East Africa. The local name of my Island is Unguja.

I am currently residing in the USA, TX and was married on December 1999 to a loving TX woman (Deanna) she's a gem.

In these pages you can find things that might be rather interesting including pages on Learning Kiswahili (common language spoken on the of East coast of Africa), African Hair Styles and even one on African Recipes.

If some words on the links do not make sense then go to the Learn Kiswahili page and have fun. I am sure you will enjoy it.

Take a tour and come back later, tell me what you think. I would appreciate any suggestions to make these pages better.

If you feel like writing me a line, my email is webmaster@kulmansam.com

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Created using MS Front Page '98

Maintained and updated using MS Front Page 2000

What's New?

The whole website re-design.
My sincere thanks to geocities/ now yahoo.com for hosting my original free website at www.geocities.com/kulmansam which used to be the tropics.
My thanks also go to template designers of this new site, "Designed by Free CSS Templates"

Why the Change?

After 12 years of free hosting, I thought it would be nice for volume of visitors to my site to be able to visit a site that does not have pop-ups, pop-sides, pop-unders, pop-laters or what ever they call those annoying unwelcomed things. More...

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