Scene Three
The show curtain
descends against a spotlight on the darkened stage. It is once again the
map of Montillano, but there are some noticeable changes. What was Puerto
Vista is now Ciudad Ibañez, the Sierra Nueva range has become Sierra
Ibañez, the Rio Hermoso has become Rio Ibañez, and the flag
in the upper left hand corner now sports the pictures of the General and
Flora. Cymbals clash. The percussion instruments begin to build in a slow
evocation of suspense. Spotlight swings to the left. ISHMAEL and his geranium
appear scurrying breathlessly, now and again glancing behind him in terror.
The moment he rushes off, the spotlight swings back to the map. A light
suddenly appears at Ciudad Ibañez punctuated by a piano chord. The
light represents Ishmael. It makes a cautious movement to the right. Then
it wavers as if suspended in a state of indecision. The percussions begin
again. A spotlight flashes downstage left. FLORA is standing in front of
a full-length mirror, admiring herself. FOUR OFFICERS we saw before dash
on. In pantomime, the FIRST indicates Ishmael has escaped. FLORA furiously
points to their following him. OFFICERS race across stage in pursuit. Spotlight
leaves FLORA and lands on the map. Red lights materialize at Ciudad Ibañez
indicating the Officers. Then all at once it begins: a ballet done entirely
with the lights on the map, the reds constantly in pursuit of the white,
the white vainly attempting to reach the border. The lights eventually
encompass the entire map in squares, circles, circles within circles. Through
all of this, the atmosphere on stage gradually alters to indicate the passage
of seasons. Beginning in the cool, green springtime, then to the hot white
of summer, the rust colored autumn and once again the green of spring.
By this time the map is a maze of red and white lines. The music has built
to a climax. ISHMAEL comes hobbling on stage, weak and exhausted, his clothes
in shred. He still carries his little plant. But now it is almost the same
size as he.