Here is a page built by another Volunteer. It gives most volunteers' emails, addresses and directions how to get there (once you're in the country) It's a great source of info, and a well-built page as well.
Morocco Volunteers

The Main Peace Corps webpage
Peace Corps

My website for the argon trees with both French and English text
French/English Argon

Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (Morocco) Lots of links to government pages and ways to assist Morocco and volunteers (like me)
Friends of Morocco
My Argon Webpage in French with some pictures and an old fairy tale first told in Tashelheight, then translated to French
Argon in French


Here are some links about Morocco, since I can't give ALL the information in my letters

Basic Info:
Radio Netherlands- Morocco
Arabnet- Morocco

Here's a great travel site for Morocco with a great click-on map:
Lonely Planet

An all-inclusive network just for Morocco:

This is a fun one too, a local newspaper; and you can see it in French and English: