Beast Statistics
Park: Paramount's Kings IslandType: Wood
Opened: 4/14/79Status: Operating
Ride Time: 3:40Track Length: 7400 feet
Top Speed: 64.77 mphInversions: 0
Lift Height: 135 feetVertical Drop: 141 feet
Angle Of Descent: 45 degreesG-Force: 3-4
Designer: Curtis D. Simmons, IncBuilder: Dinn Corp.
Cost: $4 millionCapacity: 1200 riders an hour
Features: Two lifts. Second lift is 141 feet at 19 degrees
Vehicles: Three trains, two seats wide, and 8 rows back.
Structure: Southern pine lumber, stained in a redwood finish. 650,000 board feet used.
History: This roller coaster has been a mainstay as one of the 10 most popular wooden coasters in the U.S. A really great ride, well worth the wait.