Lithophytic Orchids

            Beyond the evergreen forests,various species of orchids have tried to cope with their environmental defects such as lack of organic matters. The developments of these orchids would include the preservation of water and food, andthe endurance during the drought preiod through the transformation of the tubers,the thickened leaves and the stronger root system. Also,evaporation has been protected whenever the temperature is very high. It is also noted that these lithophytic orchids have demonstrated the developments from the terrestrial orchids into epiphytic orchids in the end.

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Calanthe rosea

            A terrestrial orchid with a jar shape thickened stem found growing on limestone cliffs of the Tennasserim range. Flowering is in the rainy season.

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Spathoglottis affinis

            A terrestrial orchid with a ground tuber found growing on rocky plains in hill scrub forests throughout the country. Flowering is in the rainy season.

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Bulbophylllum blepharistes

            An epiphyte with succulent pseudobulbs found growing on rocky plains in dry evergreen forests throughout the country. Flowering is in summer.

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Doritis pulcherrima

            An  epiphyte, found growing on rocky plains in pine forests,such as Phu Luang an Phu Dueng ,Loei province. Flowering is in the rainy season.

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