Hola...!!!.........how are you?....
Me?.....Surviving and always trying  to be fine....
Well....,My real name is Felix....34 years old, married to a beautiful filipina lady from Philippines,...but I am from a Caribbean Island, Atlantic Ocean (U.S. territory)...
where you can see the tropical pleasures, beaches, mountain range, sofisticated city live, national forest, resorts, villages, and more...Yes, it's Puerto Rico; And  now married to a filipina  lady, makes me now  be part of 2 different worlds,  just 2 different opposites countries  from each other side of the world; Both with the tropical pleasures they can offer to anyone wish to visit.........
This is me...and my dearest one and only: sweet, cute, lovely wife. Whom I am willing to always love for the rest of our lives.
...........This is my new very, very simple homepage where I describe to you a little bit of myself, my country and my livestyle....with a few pictures of course.... So this page is for you...to all my friends...who know me, and those who dosen't know me personally...but... who would like to know a little bit more about me......then take a look.....and feel free to let me know whatever you think.
     Also......if you want,...don't forget to try some of the links, after you finish reading the page....

Bye....!!!.............and good luck...!!!
P.S....this page is dedicated to my dear wife and son ).
My favorites sports and hobbies are:   Surfing, (one of the best things you can do when you live in an island, or near the beach), also skydiving, going camping, and others;  althought I am not Skydiving anymore, but I used to be part of it, I also love to travel, but now I also enjoy just staying at home watching a good movie or Tv when there's nothing else to do...Well...you know,..marriage live with responsabilities, he he.  I also enjoy making Bonsai, but I am still a novice, but...
I am planing to put some pictures of my Bonsais later......
Me when I was in the U.S. Army....
Sorry.....I know it's an old picture....almost 15 years ago...but I like it...
.....and no.....I am not in the Army anymore...now I work as a Draftsman for a Structural Engineering company.
No...!!!...they are not my kids...
These are my nieces...Fileyshla, Natasha, and  Chris.
I like this picture, its a wild coconut tree at the beach
Wepa - Search Puerto Rico...!
Welcome to Puerto Rico...!
Do you want to see more? Try these special links:...............
P.R. Skydiving Center
Surfing in Puerto Rico
(Spanish), but nice pictures
Or you maybe you may want to  search the Philippines:..............
Want to email me?:
Now this little one is our son Evan Lei Alomar when he was 2 weeks old.
Isn't him cute? maybe I will put some more pictures of him later.
Part of the city of San Juan, Puerto Rico
Surfer........my personal homepage
This is my wife Annie and my son Evan when he was 1 week old. The picture was taken near the hospital in Condado area in San Juan
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