My Links

Websites made by people who pity me for being crazy and pretend to be my friends:

My sister's site: Yes, Marla inherited the crazy gene, too
Jon's website: RAPTOR BOY!!!!! MEAH!!!!! (If you don't know me, don't ask: it's an inside joke)
My website from 2 years ago: (Oh yeah, I'm a schizophrenic and the halfway normal part of me pities the crazy part for being crazy.) If you lean a little more towards the normal side, then my old site is a good place to go.
Amanda's site: I've played golf with this girl for as long as I can remember. If you know her from LCC (Lima Concentration Camp, hehehehe), then you'll probably be on her long friend's list. I'm not on her friend's list, so she must hate me. I can't deal with the emotional pain Amanda has caused for me, so I think I'm going to go kill myself, wait I changed my mind...........after I play a round of golf with her, I'm going to lock her in a tiny room and force her to look at this website for 8 hours straight! That would drive anyone crazy! HAHAHAHA!

Random links:

Sparknotes: If it weren't for, I would be failing AP Physics. Thanks to all the help from the site, I'm barely passing it now
My school's homepage So, that big yellow thing goes to a school everyday?! I thought that it went to a concentration camp!