<BGSOUND SRC="Angel.mid">
In Loving Memory
Coralyn Nuva Ray
January 25, 2000
Coralyn's  Story
Grief Poetry 1/
Grief Poetry 2
^i^ Some people only dream
of angels,
I held one in my arms...
Number of visitors since Sept. 19, 2000
Elephant In The Room

There's an elephant in the room.
It is large and squatting, so it is hard to get around it.
Yet, we squeeze by with,
"How are you?" and "I'm fine"...
And a thousand other forms
of trivial chatter.
We talk about the weather.
We talk about work.
We talk about everyrhing else-
except the elephant in the room.
We all know it is there.
We are thinking about the elephant as we talk.
It is constantly in our minds,
for you see,
it is a very big elephant.
But we do not talk about
the elephant in the room.
Oh, please, say her name.
Oh, please, say "Coralyn" again.
Oh, please, let's talk
about the elephant in the room.
For if we talk about her death,
perhaps we can talk about her life.
Can I say "Coralyn,"
and not have you look away?
For, if I cannot,
you are leaving me alone...
in a room...
with an elephant.
Awards & Webrings
This is our gaurdian angel, Grace...
She's watching over Coralyn for us!
Please visit Coralyn's memorial at