Ron McGregor's web site - Welcome to South Africa - visafind2.htm

SECOND PRIZE! - You do not need any visas to visit South Africa, Namibia, Botwana, Lesotho or Swaziland.

However, for Zimbabwe, you will have to purchase a visa on arrival. This will cost you - in cash -US$30 for a single entry, US$40 for a double entry, and even more for multiple entry.

Please make sure that you have sufficient US Dollars on hand.

Other admission requirements:

It must be understood that the easy access afforded to travellers is for the purposes of tourism only, for short stays (usually maximum 60 or 90 days). Special permits are required for work, study, or long stays.

In all cases, you should never leave home unless your passport has enough validity to last for the length of your journey plus a further six months.

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