Cotahuasi, The canyon very deper of the world

Came to visit at the beautiful city of Cotahusi

The canyon unknown. (14 hours to travel). when go to Visca , you look bu first time the best canyon, and your if you look at the Allhuay mirate. The Cotahuasi you can and the rut is in Zig Zag and you go to a place in 1 hour .(2684 msnm). But you will be happy when be here because is a beautiful place and the colca canyon is a place most beatiful of the world

We offer Cotahuasi:

And if you want to stop inthe rout inthe Majes Valley

The majes river that before is known as colca , and after is Camana when go to sea,

In there place grown frut as banana apple etc We Too offer


tour to majes

By 1 or 2 Dasy

We offer tours private an d public


If you need to do your reservations only push here here



City tour