As is typical with most good things in life, there is a cost involved. Each Frontier project is self-funded, with the expeditionary team contributing to the cost of the expedition. Frontier volunteers are expected to raise £2,550 for 3 months which covers most aspects of the expedition. This includes full travel and medical documentation, a briefing weekend in the UK, accommodation, living and travel costs in-country, project equipment, comprehensive science training, staff costs and all UK and in-country administration. However, there are also additional costs of flights, visa, insurance, SCUBA diving training and personal medical kit and equipment. I have therefore estimated the cost to reach approximately £5000. This is why I am asking for your help. I will not be able to raise this money without support and donations from generous people and businesses, despite sponsored events and other ideas that I am planning. You could play a part in saving some of the world's richest and most important wildlife areas. Any donations of money or equipment would be gratefully received. The equipment I will need includes:
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debbiewinton@yahoo.co.uk with
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