The American Jihad at Harvard University
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Who's Covering Washingtion
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Write a letter to your state, local, and government officials..
To make a difference make your voice heard... speak your mind, support for or against, write a petition with signatures to back it....>E-THEPEOPLE.COM is the place 
PETITIONS/ for SIGNATURES Search engines
Zurich animal protection
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,Select your state for Workers compensation Information, online discussions, professional listings...
Our Democracy,"The major features of modern democracy include individual freedom, equality before the law, and universal suffrage and education. By the Mid-20th Century in the world, had a government that in form if not in practice-embodied some of the principles of democracy". By  American Encyclopedia
a-national/article/view e-thepeople Democracy Renewal econference....
What is wrong with our  Democracy and how can we fix it?...view
We take our own fear and inadequacy and punish or allow them to suffer.  Innocent children, everyday are in the  expanding horror of abuse  in American Life... For those who anger at abuse, and love  children, show you care be a  Casa Special Advocate ..Big Brother Big Sister,
Please Care by being a Casa Volunteer...
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Working Women's Protection. Small business whether owned by a women or supervised by a woman, Has no respect when a company manages their female employees as if there right and control  is far above their workers...Just because their ego  and ability to achieve a business has placed them in a position does not  give them more right to distribute abuses and disrespect...No-one but God  is any higher than another, He who put us in the position  and He  can take it away!  "God Helps those that help themselves..." Does not mean help yourself to anothers dignity
Personal Responsibility...With in the Work force...
DOL search directory, Look up  the company of concern,find laws, statutes, protect yourself from possible discrimination....
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