Surfing the Hurricanes

Ok, let's face it.  The surf on the east coast is pretty bad.  On average, the surf on the east coast is about knee high and unridable.  However, there is one time during the year that East Coast surfing ranks up there with the best surf in North America.  Hurricanes are the surfer's dream.  We wait all year for August and September to come around, just so we can surf the waves coming from these monstrous natual disasters.  Surfers put their lives on the line to ride the biggest and best waves that only come around during part of each year.    This section will show you some pictures of North Carolinians surfing Hurricane waves.  Please, if you have any pictures.  Email them to me and I will put them on the site.  I will be making a seperate surfing site, and they will go there to.  Stay stoked!

Email me

Atlantic Beach Hurricane Pictures

Click on thumbnails to get a larger image

Nice sequence shot before Floyd at Hatteras

Another nice barrel at Hatteras on the same day.

I locally surf Onslow beach.  Here are some pictures of us surfing the waves from Hurricane Jose.  I wish we had our cameras during Floyd and Gert this year, but we had to settle for some smaller wave pics.

