You do not need all these things, money, house, luggages or anything of the world, to travel to Heaven to meet The Lord Jesus Christ.  All you need is Faith, Holy Spirit and The Blood of Jesus. Naked you come, naked you go, please consider this in your own spare time with The Lord Jesus. There is not much time left, you never know what will happen tomorrow. If you die in Jesus today, you will be with The Lord Jesus. Bible says Absent from the body, present with The Lord.
Welcome  to  AJAY's   HOME  PAGE
I am Ajay Kumar Singh and from Fiji Islands,    now I live in Canada. My hobbies are driving,  sight seeing, visiting new places and
countries meeting people and learning new
I have learnt many things from Ulead and Jasc , since I bought their PhotoImpact Image Editing, and Paint Shop Pro.
My computers and lots of computer stuffs are from
Atop computer.  They are nice and reliable people to be trusted. You can buy online the type of computer you want. You can configurate (make) the system yourself. Why should I promote them ?  'cause they are good.
I am so happy that you are here to see and hear The Good News.  Do you like travelling ?  Hey, I am not talking of travelling around the world or to different cities, but travelling to a new place called HEAVEN. CLICK .
Jesus said " I Am The Way, The Truth and The Life and no one goes to The Father, but by Me ". 
Laughing is very good for the 
health. Try and see.  Don't worry,
be happy.
The Bible says let your feet take the Good News  to all people.  Your feet will never get tired.  The   Word of The Lord is A Lamp to my feet and A   
light to my path.
Ps.119:105, Is.52:7.
I was in Class 8 at Raki Raki, Ra, Methodist Mission School, in 1967. I am the tallest in the middle of the last row. If anyone know me, please send        email
How much do you know the Bible?  To learn more and deeper things about Jesus, get this Bible CD. They are good and easy to use.
Thank you for visiting my home page.
   Please email me your comments
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Praise The Lord ... Namaste ... Hallelujah
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By profession I am
   a Auto Mechanic
Jesus  Loves  You
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On Monday April 25th, 2005, Me, my wife and my son Nicklesh, we went to Hong Kong and  
Shenzhen, China
for 2 weeks. It is very beautiful country. The transportation System is very good.  
There are all kinds of buildings: square, round, triangle, tall and narrow and so on and they are 
beautiful. It is always good to take a month holiday, to see more of Hong Kong and China or any
place. In future, we will go again. Also went to The
China Folk Cultural Village in Shenzhen. This 
place I have learnt so many things of China and its people. Also went to Lamma Is in Hong Kong.
Chk this out
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Me and my wife had a wonderful vacation to Fiji Islands, Australia & New Zealand.  We were out
for 6 weeks from  Saturday May 6th, to Saturday June 17, 2006.  We meet so many friends and
families.  We would like to thank them all for taking care of us.  In Fiji, we were only in Viti Levu.
In Australia, only in Brisbane.  In New Zealand, only in Auckland. 
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