It was one of those magical moments in Lemon's life in which he is deeply touched, and Lemon counts himself extremely lucky for not just witnessing, experiencing, but be part of, the concert. 關淑怡 is to Lemon an icon of unconventionality and non-conformity. She seems rather unhappy with all the pressures put on her by the press and the music industry in recent years (see this interesting article by a music therapist) and therefore took a hiatus of ten years. This concert was a come out/back party for her and her fans. During the second encore Lemon felt everyone was there whoelheartedly supporting Shirley like she is a friend who is trying to/has come around to make peace with herself and the world. Lemon wants to use this little poem (originally wriiten in 1991 to commemorate another great night) to remember this great night with Shirley and everyone at the Coliseum.
The Night was Dark
The hearts were naked
Unreservedly touching each other
When the night was dark
Like our minds
The dark side that used to be drowned
Was swimming in joy and sorrow
There were the high moon
And you
The fatigued soul resurged like the roses
The roses did not survive the light
They were bleeding
In your soul
The sun overtook the moon
Your darkness submerged in your brightness
But it will revive
Sometime when the night is dark