Teach yourself Hypertext Markup Language the quick and easy way! |
Elizabeth Castro has a good book called HTML for the World Wide Web. It has a lot of pictures with illustrations. It's what I used to create this table.
This table stuff can be a bit confusing. It helps if you follow along in a textbook to help keep everything straight.
This is so fun! |
My Spin on Working |
What should you look for in choosing a career? There are several factors to consider. First and foremost is..is it fun for you? Do you really get a good feeling from doing it? Secondly, is it a job that will compensate you adequately and allow you to provide for your family.
Thirdly, is it a position that has room for advancement and personal growth? And also, is it a job that will force you to relocate? |
If you haven't noticed, I love the Ocean
Nobody can really prepare you for something like making life decisions concerning your future job career. It seems you just have to prepare the best that you can and then just follow your heart.
All you have to do is find something that intrigues you and pursue as much information about it as you can. Then you will know if this is something that you would enjoy doing for quite some time |
And can you make a mistake and choose the wrong field? Not really, because you will only find out if it was not for you by trying it out first. If you don't at least try it first then you may go your entire life second guessing
yourself over whether you should have gone into that field or not. | |
This Visual QuickStart Guide uses pictures rather than lenghty explanations. You'll be up and running in no time. |