Urban Ecology
- Ecology of walls
- Urban gradients
- Interactions between urban and rural environs
Landscape Ecology
- Fragmented landscapes in Central Europe
- Habitat fragmentation in Mediterranean landscapes
- Deforestations in Brazil
Ecosystem Analysis
- Scree slope ecosystems with air-conditioning effect
- Secondary man-made biotopes in Germany (clay and gravel
pits, opencoast brown-coal mining, mining dumps etc.) - restoration ecology
- Invertebrate successions
Population Ecology
- Metapopulation concepts
- Population ecology of land and freshwater molluscs
- Population ecology of amphibians and reptiles in Germany
Polar Ecology
- Arthropods in Arctic regions
Tropical Ecology
- Land-use conflicts in Central and South America
- Tropical stingless bees in Brazil
- Molecular zoogeography
- Endemism
- Extinction processes
- Invertebrate dispersal
- Areography of European amphibians
- Introduction and establishment of invertebrate neozoans in
Central Europe
- Island biogeography of Mediterranean islands
- Terrestrial islands
- Distribution of land and freshwater molluscs in the Baltic
States (Latvia, Estonia,
- Minimum viable populations (MVP)
- Vulnerability analysis
- General conservation strategies
- Large-Scale conservation projects in Germany
- National parks / Biosphere reserves in East European
Countries (Baltic States) and Russia (Far East)
- German conservation law
- Conservation in highly disturbed and used regions
- Urban conservation
- Biotopes management / networks
- Bioindication
- Public relation in conservation projects
- Conservation of endangered invertebrates