James O. Bukenya, Ph.D.
Department of Agribusiness 
Room 316D Dawson Bldg 
P. O. Box 1042 
Alabama A&M University 
Normal, AL 35762-1042

Phone: (256) 372-5729
FAX: (256) 372-5906

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[Degrees Held ] [Research Interests ] [Selected Publications ] [Working Papers


Research Assistant Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics. 


  • Ph.D. West Virginia University, Morgantown, Agricultural Economics, 2001. 
  • M.S. Alabama A&M University, Normal, Agribusiness, 1998.
  • B.S. Alabama A&M University, Normal, Agribusiness Management, 1997. 


My primary research and teaching interests are in rural development, regional economics, and related issues in labor markets, human capital, and demographic change. Secondary interests are in production economics, resource management, spatial analysis and geographical information systems (GIS). 


•    Bukenya J.O., Tesfa G. Gebremedhin and Peter V. Schaeffer. (2003). "Analysis of Quality of life and Rural Development: Evidence from West Virginia Data." Growth and Change, 34, 2 (spring) pp. 202-218.

•    Bukenya J.O., Tesfa G. Gebremedhin and Peter V. Schaeffer. (2003). "Analysis of Quality of life and Rural Health: A Spatial Approach." Economic Development Quarterly, Volume 17 Number  3, pp. 280-293.

•    Bukenya, J. O., and W. C. Labys. “Price Convergence in World Commodity Markets: Fact or Fiction?” International Regional Science Review (Under review).

•    Bukenya, J. O., J. Befecadu, H. Jones, C. K. Reddy and A. Baiyee-Mbi. (2000). “Economic Feasibility of Substituting Fresh Poultry Litter for Ammonium Nitrate in Cotton Production.” Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, Vol. 16 No.1: 81-89.

   Bukenya, J. O., T. G. Gebremedhin and P. V. Schaeffer. (2001). “Analysis of Regional Disparities and Income Convergence in West Virginia.” Abstract: Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 33 No. 3: 626.
   Kaunda, Nalishebo and James O. Bukenya. (2001). "GIS-Based Agricultural and Land Resources Information Systems: Should it be a Priority in the 21st Century African Economic Agenda?" Abstract: In Vijah R. Kannan (ed.), Southeast Decision Science Institute's Proceedings—31st Annual Meeting, Charlotte NC. Pp. 54.

   Mummy W. Rajab and James O. Bukenya. (2001). " Rural Poverty in Africa: Defining the Dimensions of Poverty as they relate to Agriculture."  Abstract: In Vijah R. Kannan (ed.), Southeast Decision Science Institute's Proceedings—31st Annual Meeting, Charlotte NC. Pp. 55.

   Bukenya, J. O., and W. C. Labys. (2000). “Price Convergence in World Commodity Markets.” Abstract: Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Vol. 29 No. 2: 251.

   Bukenya, J. O., and T. G. Gebremedhin. (2000). “An Empirical Analysis of Family Income Distribution in the United States.” Abstract: Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 32 No. 2: 413.

•   Bukenya, J. O. (1997). “Cotton Acreage Response to Price Changes: The Partial Adjustment Model.” Association of Research Directors, Inc., 1890 Research Partnership for a Sustainable Future (Oct. 1-4) Pp. 42.
•    Bukenya, J. O., and T. G. Gebremedhin (2003). "Quality of Life Satisfaction: A Comparative Survey Analysis of the Eastern Panhandle and Southern West Virginia Counties.” In Emmanuel Omojokum (Ed.), Southeast Decision Science Institute's Proceedings-- Thirty-Third Annual Meeting, Williamsburg, Virginia (Pp. 51-53).

   Bukenya, J. O., and Rory Fraser (2003). "Estimation of the Human Development Index for Alabama Counties.” In Emmanuel Omojokum (Ed.), Southeast Decision Science Institute's Proceedings-- Thirty-Third Annual Meeting, Williamsburg, Virginia (Pp. 45-50).
•    Bukenya, J. O. (2001) "Dissertation: An Analysis of Quality of Life, Income Distribution and Rural Development in West Virginia." Division of Resource Management, West Virginia Univ. Morgantown [Copy available at].

•    Bukenya, J. O., T. G. Gebremedhin, D. Smith, and P. V. Schaeffer (2002). "An Empirical Analysis of Income Distribution in West Virginia." West Virginia Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, Bulletin 725.

•    Bukenya, J. O. (2001). “Application of GIS in Eco-tourism Development: Evidence from the Pearl of Africa.”  In Vijah R. Kannan (ed.), Southeast Decision Science Institute's Proceedings-- Thirty-First Annual Meeting, Charlotte NC. Pp. 299-303.
Last revised March 24, 2003