Ships Log
We've swallowed the anchor and now live in Union City, CA
Today's Date
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This site last edited on 10/22/2007
Press this little arrow to go to the next page. This is some pistures of our home afloat. If you are using a modem, these will take some time to load. Sorry about that..
Quote: "We don't know where we're going, but if we get lost, we'll just pull in somewhere, and ask directions."
next day's entry
Reserved for new stufrf when I get arounnd to putting something here
This page contains pictures and will be modem slow...... But is you have the patients, go for it.
This is the place to click to see Jean and mine's Holloween get-ups.  I emailed these to my brother and he asked where the costumes were.  He's a real fart smeller... uh.. smart feller.

This next segment is just some fun stuff.
[ Yahoo! ] options
Here are some pictures of our place. If you're on a dial up, be prepaired to wait.
Enter starting street address:

City, State or Zipcode:
These stories are real. Only the names and locations and the real story have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent. I hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as I did writing them.
Jean Whitworth
If ya wanna print out these pages for later reading, you need to go into the print page settings and change the left and right margins to 0.25" to get all the text printed.
Click here to go to "The Big Pizza Caper" and enjoy the quirkes of the liveaboard lifestyle.
[History] [Jokes]
[Ask Earl]
Click here to be transported to a story about 'The Remote". Jean thinks this story is very funny, mainly cause it's about me.
Click here to jump to a story about a game we play with other people. It's just that the other people don't know about the game, or the rules, or that we are even playing!  We would apologize to anyone who has been caught up in 'Our Game", but chances are you didn't even know about it. 
This is the link to the archive stuff that I've removed from the regular pages and didn't have the heart to delete.
Click here to ramble on over to a story about Jean's game playing ability and her witty way of reasoning... and spelling.
This is from my sister, Antoinette aka Toni.  She has done this for me to put on our web page to share with others.  It really is inspirational.  Give it a read.
This is just a counter!!
Let's see how many find this page?