Welcome to Donald Duenne's page
Go Mizzou
My name is Donald Duenne.
I'm now living just south of
Washington, D.C.

I'm originally from a small southeast Missouri town called Charleston. I hope you enjoy my webpage.

More about me
Celebrating the millennium in Paris
Teaching English in Budapest
European tour

Future Mizzou Tiger quarterback,
one-and-a-half year-old Jack Duenne
(able to throw 250-lb. linemen like he does the pots and pans!!)

Oh, my word, it's Debbie Gibson!!

Go Mizzou!
Click below to learn more about me.
High School Days
Trip to France, 1996
Internship in Washington, D.C, 1999
My resume

My favorite things:
My cousins' webpage of Norway
The musical Mamma Mia!
Lara Fabian-great singer
The official Eiffel Tower webpage
The education class
webpage I helped create
Invaluable book
A must-have for travelers

Debbie Gibson!!
How I loved her.
The best college
paper around-
The Maneater
Columbia Daily Tribune
Le Monde
Budapest Sun
Washington Post