Welcome to my Web Page

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
~ Confucius

     Now, if only I could get my fat ass off this chair.


So I decided to put a photo back on the front page... I'm sure I have something better than this, but this is the most recent, already-scanned image I could find on short notice (that is, without actually putting forth effort). It's only four years old, anyway.

I've thought about making this a more "professional" webpage. But that wouldn't be me. So I've decided to leave it as is, mostly incomplete. You can check out all kinds of stuff that I think is important, interesting or annoying enough to put on my web page. Have fun--but not too much--I mean if your idea of great fun is to click around on my web page, you may have some issues to discuss with a counselor or priest!
Visit my friends or my family
Find out about the love of my life
Check out some
stuff that interests me
Look at scenes from my former life. Hint: pull the trigger.
Investigate the company for which I now work.
If you still haven't gone somewhere more entertaining, you can
send me an e-mail to tell me what you think of me (be polite).