This is Joe

Catching zzz's during a surface interval between dives.
One of the most adrenaline-pumping experiences of my life was on a dive with Joe around the outer reefs of Okinawa, Japan. We were just kicking around along the bottom, about 40 feet down, when a six foot sea snake charged us and chased us. It scared the heck out of us! So, like the rookies that we were, we bolted for the surface. Doh! It went back and forth chasing the two of us until Joe dropped the shell he was carrying, distracting the snake's attention. As it followed the shell to the bottom, Joe and I broke the surface and high-tailed it toward the boat. Needless to say, everyone had a good laugh at our expense when our dive instructor told us that their mouths are too small to bite us through our wetsuits. Apparently sea snakes are just naturally curious animals. It could have fooled me, though, the way it had charged at us from at least 50 feet away. This was also the last time Joe or I wore high-vis yellow wetsuits.

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