Mengenal Kitab - Kitab

Mengenal Kitab - Kitab, Literatur Islam dan 'Islamic Software' (Bhs. Indonesia dan English)

Holy Qur'an Program
The program is distinguished for its ability to work under all available Windows versionswith or without Arabic support.
Primary Notes:
- For running the program, CD ROM should be in ( CD drive)
- Using the Holy Quran Program:
This is the main item of the Program Group. Click on its icon to run the program.
- Using the Remote :
This is the control feature. Click on its icon to activate it. For detailed information, see Remote Help English at Holy Quran Program group.

The Glorious Kur'an - Translation and Commentary by Abdallah Yousuf Ali
Unlike conventional book, the Qur'an does not contain information, ideas and argument about specific themes arranged in a literary order. That is why the stranger to the Qur'an, on his first approach to it, is bafffled when he does not find the enunciation of its theme or its division into chapters and sections or separate treatment of different topics and separate instructions for different aspects of life arranged in a serial order.

Al B a y a n (Program)
The Idea of the Program:
The purport of AL-BAYAN in Agreed-upon Hadiths Program is collecting, arranging and servicing those hadiths agreed-upon by the two Imams, Al-Bukhari and Muslim, in their Sahihs. Those hadiths are gathered and supported with great scientific services. The user can utilize display features, lexical search which has multiple advantages, as well as thematic search which covers the themes of these hadiths. He can also make use of the possibilities of general indexes which are arranged in tables that cover Qur'anic verses, hadiths with its different kinds and biographies, as well as poetic verses. Moreover, there are various services allotted specially for the Prophetic Hadith such as brief explanation of the science of Hadith Terminology along with varied practices.

Do'a dan Zikir Rasulullah saw. oleh Imam Hasan Al Banna.
Mengemukakan Keutamaan Berzikir, Tata Krama Berzikir, Wirid Pagi dan Sore, Wirid Qur'ani, Do'a Siang dan Malam mulai Do'a Bangun Tidur hingga Do'a Penutup Shalat dan Penutup Majelis. Selanjutnya Bagian berikutnya mengajarkan Do'a-do'a Ma'tsurat mulai Do'a Istikharah hingga Shalat Tasbih dan pada Bagian Penutup berisi Wirid Ikhwan berupa Wirid Rabithah dan Wirid Muhasabah.

The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences
Islamic Modernity Versus Westernization by The Association of Muslim Social Scientist - The International Institute of Islamic Thought.
This Islamic Journal consist of valuable and interesting Articles, such as "The Dance of the Pen, the Play of the Sign: A Study in the Relationship between modernity, Immanence and Deconstruction" by Abdelwahab M. Elmessiri; "The Concept of Modernization; An Analysis of Contemporary IslamicThought"; Dissertation and Theses on Islam and Muslims

The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences
Consist of some Articles of Islamic Education, such as "The Role of Schools in Islamic Society: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives" by Moneer M. al Otaibi and Hakim M. Rashid; "Islamic Education: A Challenge to Conscience" by John Sahadat; "Islamic Educational Institutions: Can the Heritage be Sustained" by Yusuf Waghid; Conference Report: "Islamization of Education" by Ghulam Nabi Saqeb; Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations.

"Proceeding of the 9th Expert-Level Conference on Islamic Banking" Jakarta Indonesia April 7-8, 1995.

"World Muslim Gazetteer" Compiled by The Secretariat of the Motamar Al-Alam al-Islami (World Muslim Congress: Islamic History Through Dates, Muslim World in Figures etc.

"Indian Muslims: A Political History (1858 - 1947)by Ram Gopal; The Contents covers: Muslims Enter, Muslim Aristocracy in Dilemma, Wahabi Movement, Jobs and Politics etc.

"Hayat-Us-Sahabah" (The Lives of the Sahabah)by Hadratji maulana Muhammad Yusuf Kandhlawi; Tell about the Sirah (life) of the Holy Prophet and the lives of the Companions and their record of stirring deads are such basic and established source for strengthening the vigour of the Belief and refining the religious thoughts.

Kontekstualisasi Doktrin Islam Dalam Sejarah

Editor: Budhy Munawar – Rachman
Penerbit: Yayasan Wakaf Paramadina, 1994

Dalam buku ini – di mana termuat 52 artikel – Editor mengklasifikasikannya dalam 6 bab. Masing-masing dengan spesifikasinya sendiri-sendiri.
Bab pertama, dimaksudkan sebagai ‘pintu masuk’ dengan melihat berbagai persoalan di sekitar penafsiran Al Qur’an, dibicarakan masalah ta’wil, asbab al – nuzul dan soal nasikh dan mansukh.
Dalam bab kedua, dibicarakan tentang konsep-konsep dasar Al Qur’an, yang meliputi konsep-konsep teologi, kosmologi, antropologi, hukum, keadilan dan tidak dilupakan soal kebahagiaan dan kesengsaraan.
Dalam bab ketiga, dibicarakan dasar-dasar mengenai ilmu keIslaman tradisional, yaitu teologi, filsafat dan hadits.
Dalam bab keempat, khusus dibahas masalah fiqh dengan sembilan artikel termasuk sejarahnya.
Dalam bab kelima, dibicarakan makna esoterik dari ibadah dan implikasinya pada pengembangan etika sosial.
Sedangkan etika sosial yang lebih makro dibicarakan dalam bab keenam.

Dengan klasifikasi seperti di atas dan jumlah artikel yang meliputi tema-tema yang luas, diharapkan bisa diperoleh suatu overview tentang doktrin Islam dan kontekstualisasinya, sehingga maksud buku ini untuk mendiskripsikan ‘Kontekstualisasi Doktrin Islam dalam Sejarah’ dapat tercapai.
Buku ini diawali dengan artikel yang berjudul ‘Persoalan Penafsiran Metaforis Atas Fakta-Fakta Tekstual’ oleh Moh. Quraish Shihab; diikuti oleh Nurcholish Madjid yang menulis artikel ‘Masalah Ta’wil Sebagai Metodologi Penafsiran Al Qur’an’ dan artkel-artikel lain yang menarik dari Jalaluddin Rakhmat, Abdurrahman Wahid dsb.nya yang berjumlah 20 penulis terkenal di Indonesia.

Pada salah satu aline dari Pendahuluan buku ini, Nurcholis Madjid menulis, Dari Kitab Suci dipahami bahwa hukum-hukum kesejarahan manusia yang menyangkut bentuk-bentuk hubungan dengan sesamanya, dengan alam lingkungannya dan, diatas semuanya itu, dengan Penciptanya, harus dipelajari tidak dengan melakukan intelektualisasi atau perenungan abstrak seperti metode deduktif dalam logika formal (silogisme) Aristoteles. Hukum-hukum itu -- yang juga harus dipandang sebagai Hukum-hukum Allah (‘Sunnatullah’)-- harus dipahami lewat observasi terhadp gejala-gejala sejarah.