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The home of the Margarita Jedi

"One of the questions I am asked most is, 'Where is Margaritaville?' I answer, 'When you are there, you will know it.' "
-----> Tales From Margaritaville, Jimmy Buffett, 1989.

News: This is MargaritaMavSG signing off, I turn the clan back over to Dutch and will let him decide who the next Leader of the Margaritas is. I wish all of ya'll good luck and I hope to see ya'll around the net. Thanks for alot of good memories


***Jedi have visited the Margarita Clan***

Members and Links

Click on Captain Tony to view the Members & Links Pages!

The Margarita's Philosophy

In a time when combat oriented animated characters are force fed to our children before they can even say the word television, there exists a small but growing number of Jedi Knights who instinctively fall in love with a good story and memorable characters, and a good margarita every now and then too. The Jolly Mon, Mishka and Magnus, the Volcano and the Cheeseburger in Paradise are all direct descendants of Young Jim Hawkins, Peter Pan, Brer Fox and Huckleberry Finn. These Jedi Knights hope their fight for the cause of tequila and good times will inspire the next generation of storytelling, drinking Jedi Knights and their quest for the


-----by MargaritaDutch

Message Board

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Cheaters Board

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Take a look and see our Clan Ladder! We will be editing members out of the ladder and then the clan ladder will begin, thanks for your patience.

Guestbook by GuestWorld

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This page was created by MargaritaMavSG, MargaritaDlux, MargaritaJester, MargaritaDutch, & MargaritaRage. Copyright 1998

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